Day 16

Didn’t sleep all that well last night. At 8,000ft elevation it was alot colder sleeping on the ground. My ground set up doesn’t involve a sleeping bag, rather a quilt with a footbox sewn in 3 feet from the bottom. The problem with this is that drafts come in on the side. I tossed and turn all night trying to get comfortable without moving my knee a lot…not easily done.

I went over to the picnic table to eat and get myself ready. Kate helped me out by bringing my pack and a few other items over and Coyote went and filtered water for me. He was taking a few zeros( no hiking days ) at Big Bear hostel and said we could possibly share a room. I didn’t know when in the hell I’d get there so really couldn’t count on it. There were several other hikers showing up to resupply on water when I was leaving, so we exchanged names and I was on my way. I’m going to be honest, this hike was all about getting to Big Bear and nothing to do about the trail itself. I was hurting. I met some great people along the trail. Resident Cowboy(Seattle), Lomax (England) is another hammocking guy who I read about months ago on on Hammock Forums..he gave me some Tiger Balm for the knee. His knee was hurting as well.

I slowly walked along just trying to get to the next water source. After a few miles and a walk up a dirt road a little ways I found it. As I was filling up, Lomax showed up and we talked for a short time and then I was on my way. I didn’t have long to go, but the trail just dragged on and on. After passing the caged animal actors retired from Hollywood films (grizzly bears,tigers and others) I finally made it to my turnoff and a surprise trail angel water/soda stash. Sunkist orange was my choice. I walked the final few hundred yards to the road, stuck out my thumb and was picked up by a guy named Paul in 10 minutes..awesome!!

Paul dropped me off in Big Bear City just a few minutes from the lake. Here I was able to pick up those down pants I was after. After that I took the bus to the lake where I checked in at Big Bear hostel. I’ll get to the hostel in the next post. I made it..what a where’s the beer.

Trail Angels..gotta live it!

Trail Angels..gotta live it!

Gentle Giant picked these up for me..

Gentle Giant picked these up for me..

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