Day 11

Well, it snowed overnight. Got a few inches in town and a lot more on the mountain. The goal was to leave Saturday morning to climb San Jacinto Peak, so today was a lazy day. Stayed at lodge till about noon. Invited the other two to come over and shower and then decided we would meet up at the library like many others to take advantage of Wi-Fi and computers. It snowed on and off during the day but nothing too much. I resupplied on food, made some calls, and downloaded some maps.

Got a room with my fellow hikers a mile from town so we road walked (again) to that spot. Once there, I decided to go out for a bite and stopped of at Good Times. The name is a bit misleading since there were about 10 people there, but the beer and solo guitarist were great, the small fish sandwich not so much. Headed back to the room and hung out with the guys then off to bed.

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