Day 14

I slept pretty good last night despite the slight pain I was developing in the knee. When I got up and started moving around I didn’t feel it was too bad, so I decided to pack it up and start another climb into the desert and start section C of southern Cal. The trail gradually ascends about 5,000 ft along this 18 mile stretch. The first few miles are home to a major windmill farm. There must be 1,000 of these scattered about like soldiers standing guard in the surrounding hills..( sorry no pics ). I stopped to take care of some foot isuues when 42(RJ from awhile back) came by. I told him I was tired of the desert section. He agreed but said we would miss it later on. I’m sure he was right. After passing through the area and climbing a small but punishing section, the trail leveled off just in time to rest for the next part. As I broke out a few snacks to refuel, Kate and Howdy showed up. Kate was having knee problems from the previous day as well. We swapped stories and after a few minutes we started the short steep descent to enter the San Gorgonio Wilderness.

The much anticipated destination of Whitewater Preserve a few miles away fueled us since it was the first real water crossing we would come to. Having hiked to the edge of a canyon and looking down to the flowing water, the winding trail to the bottom takes you in and out of view, kinda teasing you along the way.

Finally reaching the Preserve I hiked another 1.5 miles to a spot where I could find some shade behind a huge rock and drink some water and relax. I stripped down to my Ex Officio boxers and plopped my ass right in the semi- cool water. It felt so great to get my knee submerged, hoping to releave any swelling coming on. After about an hour hanging out it was time to get ready for the next hot section. Another 1,600 ft climb over 6 miles. Wasn’t too bad overall. After that it leveled off a bit then down a little to meet up with Mission Creek. The creek parallels the trail for quite some time so water is available for awhile.

I rolled up to a campsite and GG, 42 and At Home were resting and filling up water. They were there for an hour already. My knee is really slowing me down. They were planning on camping another 4 miles up trail so I told them I would probably show up a little later. I filled up on water and rested a bit, then made my way to mile 229 campsite. Met up with those guys, ate a double serving of mashed potatoes, and fell asleep to a choir of crickets and frogs. A long hot 18 mile day.wpid-img_20150511_075150719.jpg

Whitewater Preserve

Whitewater Preserve

Feels soooo good!

Feels soooo good!


2 thoughts on “Day 14

  1. Hey man hope the knee gets better I just had a 3 nite Joe Bonamassa concert marathon so freaking good…miss you at Boston’s


    • Thanks Jeff.. I think of all of you often and how I miss the quality beers. I’m enjoying this tremendously, and hoping the knee doesn’t shut me down.


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